Camp |
twisted by C. Faber Demarius
Friday, June 30, 2006 |
Adam and I leave for camp on Sunday... 3 weeks in Pennsylvania. We hope to get a podcast up and running from there. You know, like... content. And who knows what wonderful stuff we'll come across on our adventures. It'll be good. Promise.

Awesome! Have fun guys.
I like using these: "~" when I write now. Woooooo~
miss u :)
I'm not so worried what you two will get into as much as Spencer
Sorry guys, I won't be there this year. I have a job and all sorts of other things that are not at all related to my plans of world conquest. Really. No kidding. *cough* Anyhoo, enjoy yourselcves, you crazy lobster-buying fools. While Youy Sill CAN!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHaha..... hey, look over there!
What is it, spanky?
It had to be said.
Hope you are having a blast with all of those crazy Italian and French soccer fans.
Yes! I was so excited when they won. Not as excited as people from Italy probably... but pretty damn excited.
Sad that it came down to some french guy hitting the cross-bar though. I would really hate to be him right now.
Mmm, the French are pretty upset here. So are the French Canadians. Everyone else is indifferent, except for the guy from Belgium and the guy from Transylvannia who just hate everyone.
when italy won over france i was at a party with a crepe maker. The crepe maker went MERDE!!!! and threw a crepe.
I'm dead serious.
have fun at JKCP! i wish i could be there this year...
and france should have won. italian bastards.
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because i'm french... thanks for that
because i'm french, and that is one person's reaction to being insulted so stop talking about things you dont understand
why did something i didn't write come up under my name? i wrote the second one, not the first one
"Things I don't understand?" Fact is, France surrendered just a few months after the war began, and agreed to start rounding up Jews to appease Hitler. Compare that to the Brits, who lost 1 million homes in the Blitz but still resisted invasion or the Soviets who resorted to EATING WALLPAPER instead of surrendering. Not to mention the US, who cleaned up after everybody.
You know what's ignorant? Using history to make broad generalizations about a person or group of people because of something their nation did many years ago. For example, your nation got hit by Pearl Harbor, therefore you have a hard time sensing conspiricies.
So cut your ignorance out and go post it on your livejournal or something. It isn't welcome here.
thanks Nick
We should also add America to be blamed for the years of appeasement.
We should also blame Germany for making so much sourkrout. Seriously, that shit sucks.
*rolls eyes*
that too
Woah, I just logged onto here after a long while, and jeez it's like a festering of hate. French people are cool, German people are cool, even *gasp* American people are cool! So lets not blame each other with things that nobody has control over, and accept the fact that in soccer, one team wins and one team loses.
Not if they tie. I'm not even sure what was said, but it probably inspired all of you to show how nice you think you are. You guys just gang-banged some random guy. It's the internet, people will be dumb. I don't think you guys said that stuff in an attempt to change his opinion but rather to not have the foul stench of stupidity on yourselves?
Well said.
To Anonymous, whomever you may be: Suffice to say that the person said he or she disliked all French people because he thinks the quality of their millitary is poor. So you are correct: I do not want the foul stench of stupidity on my site, and whether or not that person changes his opinion is immaterial to me; I simply offered my rational for my deleting his immature bout of nationalism.
I love internet fights... no matter who wins, youre both still retarded.
Anonymous(but not the bad one, i'm just a bystander)
I agree with the last anonymous.
I mean... wait... I'm not retarded!
haha yes you are
btw, the last anonymous was me... just realized that doesnt help... it was spencer. there. also, this argument was dumb to begin with and dumb to end. i didnt even read all of it, didnt need to, i just read random bits of people internet yelling (imagine trying to lick your ear and touch your elbows behind your back, that's what internet fighting looks like...
Update yo' shit!
Let us know how things are going - especially Alaska boy. Make sure he doesn't get attacked by a vicious glacier or some weird ass thing like that. grrar. You never know what might happen during a glacier hunt. (Nick, I think I know where you are, so this glacier-thing doesn't really apply to you)
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